Soul Skill #3: Chakras as Allies in these Shifts

A Message from The Arcturian Collective

via channel Marie Mohler
Received May 6, 2019

Dear Ones,

It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, streaming through the Ethers with a Message of Light to guide, infuse, and inspire your journeys with Light.  Now doesn’t that feel good?  Doesn’t it feel good to receive infusions of Source Light, to bathe your conscious awareness, each time we visit with you and share our perspectives on the Higher Light that you each and all are?  And that you each and all are returning to be?  We can imagine it does, for it has been a long time since you have known yourselves in this way.  And it has been a long time since you have embraced and allowed yourselves to BE this way.  But this Light is Who You Are.  And we welcome you Home to it, each and every time we share a message through this channel.  

Dear Ones, we have spoken of sovereignty, freedom, abundance, purpose, and the great joy of remembering yourselves as Divine Beings of Universal Light, Love, and Peace.  We have also spoken of your entrapment, enslavement, entanglements, densities, and illusions that have also run their course in this last world age and cycle.  We recently spoke about the Tale of the Golden Buddha, and how it had been covered in clay to protect its Pure and Solid Gold Nature and Essence from marauders, pirates, or pillagers of any variety who would have sought to steal its treasure without honoring its True Essence, its True Value, its True Light that it held within.  And we likened this to your own journeys in this previous cycle of density and separation that has now come to a close, but that is still beckoning invitations to those listening to its calls, to remain entranced, to remain asleep, to keep vigilant in your efforts to remain in the illusion that it offers to one and all.  But regardless of the paths that are chosen at this time, within each of you, is this Golden Buddha, this Golden Light, this Universal Foundation of Love and Wisdom that is who you really are.  You cannot be separated from this Perfect Light.  You can only have the perception and the belief that you are.  For in Truth, you are always the Essence of Divine Light in Form.  That is what gives you Life.  That is what gives you Breath.  That is what Animates you to journey about in these body temples you have, and to try on all kinds of wonderful and rich experiences.  That is who is awakening now in all of you.  That is who seeks greater authenticity now.  That is who recognizes how heavy and dense that clay covering really is, and how Divine and Liberating it can be to once again be the Bright Light you are on this world.  

And for this discussion today, we wish to revisit the concept of Soul Skills.  For these are your tools, for the great work at hand, where each of you is anointed and appointed . . . A Sacred Artist . . . who must activate now the incredible hands of God/Source/Creator within yourselves . . . to chisel all that is false and all that is not a True Reflection of Who You Really Are away . . . in order to resurrect, liberate, and celebrate the Gifts and Grace of your Divine Sovereignty and Birthrights of Joy, Abundance, and Infinite Freedom now on your world.  

It is a Great Excavation!  It is a Powerful Reclaiming, Reorienting, and Reuniting of All That You Perfectly and Timelessly Are. 

Soul Skills are an Essential Bridge to get from where you have been and to lead yourselves to what and who you are becoming ~ again.  It is the Time of the Great Re-Turning.  And literally in that process of turning, and re-turning, you are spinning yourselves dear ones into Golden Light again.  You are weaving straw into gold again, if you will.  And you are alchemizing great pain, struggle, and suffering into joy, freedom, and light again.  

We have spoken dear ones of the Act and Art of Conscious Breathing, which is a Soul Skill available to each and every one of you.  Consciously Allowing the Power of Source Energy to begin to flow through you, to partner with you, and to guide you is another essential Soul Skill that we have mentioned.  And today we will focus on a third essential Soul Skill, required for the Journey Home.  

Imagine yourselves as spinning tops on this world, gathering essential energies from the earth in a form of electromagnetic energy or fuel if you will, that keeps your life force alive, glowing, and engaged from within, so that you can have the very journeys you all call “incarnations” on this world, and so ultimately, you can have these very rich experiences that you all have had throughout your many lifetimes here.  It requires contact with the earth, and it requires an engagement on a soul level, to have participated in the theatre that this earth experience in 3D has been for all of you.  You see, there has to be consent to the journey, an agreement if you will to be here, and an understanding of what fuels your body temples to keep you here and to house you here, while you learn and grow in this earth environment.  It is kind of a pact, a contract, an agreement that you engage, before birth, and throughout your lifetimes here, whether you are aware of it or not.  It is a choice you made before you even arrived hereUpon arrival, there are many things inside you that continue this contract or agreement and this impulse to move life force and creationary energy inside you.  And these spinning vortexes of energies we call: Chakras.  There are hundreds of spinning chakras within your energy body.  They are moving inside you from the moment of conception, to the moment of your birth, and into the rest of your incarnational journeys here each lifetime that you come.  While you are reading this channeling, or listening to these frequencies we bring through today, your chakras are spinning.  They are spinning life force inside you, and keeping you energized, engaged, and activated on a higher level . . . so that you have the literal energy to continue to embody your Soul in this realm in your physical bodies.  No chakras, no life force.  No spinning, no life force.  No movement, no life.  

Your chakras are essential packets of Source Energy that partner with the Conscious Breath within you, and that partner with your Conscious Willingness to Allow Sacred Partnership with Source Energy.  They work together to create this Living Life Force and Sentient Being that is YOU.  But in many parts of the world, and in many civilizations of this world, this is not known.  This is not conscious.  This is either dormant or repressed knowledge in the living body temples of many people on your world.  

And so, without this conscious connection with this living, moving, vibrant Source Energy inside you, it creates more energies of entrapment, instead of liberation.  It creates more energies of suffering, instead of joy.  And it creates more energies of pain and trauma, instead of well-being and expansion.  

So today we bring through a message that your Chakras ~ that live and spin inside you ~ are another essential Soul Skill and Soul Partnership you have inside you that wants to come into your Higher Heart’s Greater Awareness at this time.  

For the purpose of this conversation and transmission today, we will speak initially to 7 core chakras.  But we will add two more today, for a more complete picture, totaling 9 Essential Chakras that we will welcome Home inside your conscious awareness, if they aren’t already activated and awakened in you. For those that have awareness about the Chakras, we invite you to stay with us as we may reveal something you don’t know about one or more of your chakras, that may be a piece of information just for you, for which and whom we are bringing this transmission through.

The First Chakra is the Base or Root Chakra and it spins positive Source Energy and feeds your spirit its perfect sense of life force, safety, rootedness or groundedness, balance, and your divinely designed impulse to thrive.  This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way. However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . pulsing instead frequencies of fear, insecurity, imbalance, lack, and basic survival needs. This is the chakra that holds a great deal of trauma in many people worldwide, for in the many cycles of incarnations you all have had, it is very easy to have experiences where the bliss of balance, safety, abundance, and the joy of being were threatened in some way.  And more primal instincts emerged to take care of yourselves, in the perceived absence or lack of Source Energy and Source Light inside you, to keep you safe and joyful, as it always had before.  And so the spinning vortex of your Root Chakra often began to spin in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the First Chakra, the Root Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Red, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy.  It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to keep you safe, to keep you whole, to support your life purpose, to anchor your soul presence, and to facilitate your life experience of harmonious balance, joy, and thriving.   

The Second Chakra is the Sacral Chakra.  It spins positive Source Energy and feeds your spirit its perfect sense of harmony, meaning, and fulfillment in Relationships, Wealth, Sexuality, and Creativity.  This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way.  However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . pulsing instead frequencies of blocks to creativity and abundance, disconnection, aloneness, imbalanced, unhealthy, or repressed sexuality, relationship drama and trauma, and displaced, distorted, or disengaged creative expression, life force, passion, and purpose in life. This is the chakra that holds a great deal of trauma and confusion in many people worldwide, for in the many cycles of incarnations you all have had, it was commonplace to experience distortions in this chakra’s creationary energies and powerful self expressions. Instead, more primal or distorted instincts emerged as substitutes for the impulse to co-create and collaborate.  And the sacral chakra was reduced to the pleasure chakra, one of sexual, personal, physical, and financial pursuits and fulfillments.  And so, for many of you, your spinning, original, and perfect vortex of your Sacral Chakra started spinning in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Orange, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy.  It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to inspire you, to invite you to create from the Light and Heart of your Spirit, to live your purpose, to follow your talents and bliss, and to co-create all things in the Highest Good of the Whole, the Collective, on planet Earth, and in harmony with the Earth.  

The Third Chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra and it spins positive Source Energy and feeds your Spirit its perfect sense of power, empowerment, courage, discernment, and meaning. This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way.  However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . often pulsing instead frequencies of disempowerment, the abuse of power, imbalanced power and self expression, and a sense of false identity, illusion, and false power.  This chakra holds a great deal of trauma or unresolved karma in many people worldwide, for in your many cycles of incarnations, it was very easy to have experiences where you were overpowered, trapped, oppressed, seemingly forsaken and forgotten, abused, or falsely misled or mistreated in big and small ways.  More primal instincts emerged to protect or take care of yourselves, in the perceived absence or lack of Source Energy and Source Light inside you. And so your spinning vortex of your Solar Plexus Chakra often began to spin in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Yellow, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy. It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to keep you thriving, empowered, living life with purpose and living life on purpose, in a way that serves the Greater Collective and Greater Good of the Whole, with Joy, Passion, Vitality, and Vibrance.   

The Fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra and it spins positive Source Energy and feeds your Spirit its perfect sense of Love, Joy, Interconnectedness, Oneness, and Connection With the Universal Light and Wisdom of All Time. This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way.  However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . often pulsing instead frequencies of heartache, pain, disconnection, separation, aloneness, reactivity, suffering, wounding, anger, resentment, bitterness, and an assortment of painful or distorted feelings. This chakra holds a great deal of trauma or unresolved karma in many people worldwide, for in your many cycles of incarnations, it was very easy to have experiences where you were hurt, abused, traumatized, victimized, devalued, repressed, oppressed, and more.  More primal instincts emerged to protect, deflect, or support yourselves, in the perceived absence or lack of Source Energy and Source Light inside you. And so your spinning vortex of your Heart Chakra often began to spin in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Green, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy. It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to nurture your timeless awareness of your interconnectedness and oneness with all things, your sacred partnership with the Earth and fellow humanity, your authentic and thriving relationship with yourself as a Soul inhabiting a human body that seeks Life, Light, Liberty, and Sovereignty to sustain its Life on planet earth, and your Love and Appreciation for the Divine Design in its Infinite Wisdom and Light over vast periods of time.

The Fifth Chakra is the Throat Chakra and it spins positive Source Energy and feeds your Spirit its perfect sense of clarity, Truth, communication, authenticity, interpersonal connection, and self expression. This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way.  However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this Chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . often pulsing instead frequencies of speaking untruths, lies, and deceptions, miscommunications, distortions or challenges in personal communications, and difficulties authentically, truthfully, and purely expressing oneself.  This chakra holds a great deal of trauma or unresolved karma in many people worldwide, for in your many cycles of incarnations, it was very easy to have experiences where you were shut down, minimized, lied to, deceived, misperceived, berated, devalued, insulted, or corrupted in some way. And more primal instincts emerged to protect and support yourselves, in the perceived absence or lack of Source Energy and Source Light inside you. And so your spinning vortex of your Throat Chakra often began to spin in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the Fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Light Blue, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy. It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to help you speak Your Truth, live your Light, Communicate your Talents and Authentic Self Expression, Embrace your Purpose in this life, and Discern and Communicate Truth and Light for the Highest Good of the Whole.  

The Sixth Chakra is the Brow Chakra and it spins positive Source Energy and feeds your Spirit its perfect sense of intuition, intuitive knowing and seeing, higher awareness, soul connectedness, and greater expression of self gnosis (knowing thyself, this earth experience, and your multidimensionality). This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way.  However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this Chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . often pulsing instead frequencies of limited sight, visions of lack or disempowerment, reduced intuitive abilities or an inability to connect with your higher self at all, and a pervasive feeling of disconnection and disharmony overall.  This chakra holds a great deal of trauma or unresolved karma in many people worldwide, for in your many cycles of incarnations, it was very easy to have experiences where you were shut down, punished, ridiculed, charged, abused, or killed for having these higher perception and intuitive skills and abilities.  More primal instincts emerged to protect or take care of yourselves, in the perceived absence or lack of Source Energy and Source Light inside you. And so the spinning vortex of your Brow Chakra often began to spin in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the Sixth Chakra, the Brow or Third Eye Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Indigo Blue, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy. It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to maintain connection with the Allness of the Universe and the Expansive Divine Soul Essence that you are as well as to access Higher Perceptual Abilities that live beyond your traditional and more well known 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell).  It is your Sixth Sense, your Center for Psychic, Spiritual, or Metaphysical Knowing.  It is the Chakra that is associated with Time Travel and Multidimensional Knowing, Abilities, and Experiences. 

The Seventh Chakra is the Crown Chakra and it spins positive Source Energy and feeds your Spirit its perfect sense of Connection with the Divine/the Creator/the Infinite Light of the Universe. This is its higher dimensional impulse to guide you in this way.  However, in the last world age and cycle’s 3D frequencies of separation and density, this Chakra has often been impacted, weakened, or slowed if you will in its pure and perfect movement . . . often pulsing instead frequencies of disconnection, aloneness, separation, lostness, lack, and spiritual amnesia and grief.  This chakra holds a great deal of trauma or unresolved karma in many people worldwide, for in your many cycles of incarnations, it was very easy to have experiences where you were indoctrinated with beliefs and religions as mild, misguided, or tyrannical substitutes for the True Connection with Source you once had, where you were ridiculed, abused, or killed for having and maintaining this higher or pure connection with God/Creator/the All That Is, and where you felt lost and vulnerable to other more seeable and tangible offerings to worship, when your True Connections to the Infinite and the All That Is seemed to hide behind the veil of human consciousness for a very long time. More primal instincts emerged to protect or support yourselves, in the perceived absence or lack of Source Energy and Source Light inside you. And so the spinning vortex of your Crown Chakra often began to spin in different, sporadic, slow, or even backwards ways.  

We call attention today to the Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra, which shines the Color of Rainbow Purple, as a Spinning Wheel of Beautiful Source Light Energy. It desires reconnection with your Conscious Breathing and it desires your Conscious Willingness to Allow the Reconnection of your Consciousness to its Perfect Spinning Wheel, whose job and purpose in the core of your being is to keep you connected to the All-Knowing and Infinite Oneness that All Beings in All Universes Truly Are, to maintain your True Heart’s Infinite and Loving Connection to the Heart of God/Source/All That Is, and to Support your Higher Self’s Knowings that All Beings are wired and divinely designed through All Time to live in Unity, Peace, Harmony, Abundance, and Bliss.  The Crown Chakra is your Soul’s Connection with the All That Is.   

Now there are two more chakras that we will mention today, briefly now, just to paint a greater awareness into the inner scrolls and inner vision we are awakening and activating in you today.  The Eighth Chakra is the Earth Star Chakra, which we will describe here today as a Golden Chakra. It is the chakra through which you can consciously breathe and reconnect all the way down into the Center of the Earth, and into Mother Earth’s Sacred Heart Center and Living Womb, to reconnect with the Essence of the Divine Feminine in Form.  For that is Who Mother Earth Truly Is. She is our Sacred Mother.  She is a Living Breathing Being in Physical Form, just like you.  And she awaits your conscious reconnection and your powerful reunion with her Perfect and Pure Divine Golden Light that holds the keys to the New Earth Codes of Light.  Every day, when you can think to do so, take a conscious breath and connect with this Golden Chakra, the Earth Star Chakra, and send beautiful Golden Light to the Heart of the Earth Mother.  And send her your Deepest Love and Appreciation for the Light she has Timelessly Shined, for all here on this world, even when most have forgotten that there is Light here, and that you are each made of Light at your core.  She has continued to pulse Frequencies of Light, even when Her Light has grown very dim. She pulses Light indefinitely for her own body temple, and for all of you.  So breathe a conscious breath of appreciation and love for the Earth Mother with us today.  And send her Golden Light whenever you can remember to do so.  It raises the frequency of the whole planet each time you do!  

And lastly, there is the Ninth Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra, that we will describe today as the Pure Sacred Divine White Light Chakra, that connects you with the Heart of God/the Heart of the Creator Source/the Heart of the All That Is.  This is the chakra that connects you with the Divine Expanse of the Infinite, the Infinite Light, the Infinite Love in All Time and In All Space.  It is the very Essence that You Are.  It is Who You Really Are.  So the Soul Star Chakra connects you with your Living Life Force and your Pure Core Heart Center that pulses in Harmony with the Godheart. Despite the forgetfulness, the aloneness, and the separation of this last world age and cycle, a part of you has always, always, always remained connected and fully in perfect union with the Godheart, and your knowing of yourself as a Living Essence and Divine Spark of the Godheart.  It never left.  It only went behind the veils of time for a period of time.  And now it is returning to you.

YOU are Re-Turning to YOU.

And to do so, more actively, more consciously, more lovingly, . . . we invite you today to reconnect in your Conscious Awareness the Power you have and hold to nurture your Chakra Centers, your spinning wheels of Divine Light and the Sacred Colors of your Infinite Soul Intelligence that transcends time and that transcends worlds.  You are the Essence of the Infinite.  And so too, you have access to all of the Light and all of the Love that the Infinite Heart of God truly is!

This is a profound Soul Skill for each of you to reconnect with your chakras, . . . and for now, specifically these 9 Core Pillar Chakras, that hold the keys to your Foundational Essence as an Infinite Soul here on Divine Assignment in these Human Bodies for a time. Your Light is here to play its part in the Grand Theatre that is clearing away . . . to make way for the Truth of Who You All Really Are to return in Full Form and Full Authentic Expression in the years to come.  

We celebrate each of you and we honor each of your soul abilities, talents, gifts, and journeys, into the Light and Darkness of this past world age and cycle, to now Re-Turn and Re-Spin your way up and out and through the New Light of the New Earth . . . that is welcoming her vibrant, joyful, and perfect children home into her Sacred Heart Center once more.   

There is healing work to do.  Yes.  There is integration work to do.  Yes.  There is cleansing and release work to do.  Yes.  All of this is part of the Re-Turning Journey Home.  

If you feel a calling or a need, reach out to healers you resonate with, that have the Soul Skills you don’t presently have or that haven’t awakened in you yet, to get the support you need ~ to get your chakras moving and spinning in a happy, healing, and integrative soulful movement and motion again. Some people’s chakras are nearly rusted shut.  But to get up to speed in the New Light Codes, and to feel good, healthy, and strong in that transition, we need chakra movementWe need conscious breathing.  And we need a conscious willingness to allow this sacred partnership with Spirit, with Source Energy, and with Divine Light again in our lives.

We are here as reminders to all of you ~ that help and support is available on your world. This channel will soon create a page on her website of resources and skilled healers that she is knowledgable about, for you to review and to see if you resonate with their gifts and abilities ~ for or with the unique needs and desires you have, in your own Cosmic and Soulful Re-Turning Process.  

Of course, this channel also provides Soul Readings to those desiring to understand the depths of their soul journeys at this time, and those seeking to understand and learn more about the prevalent themes, gifts, lessons, challenges, and patterns in your soul history that are presently influencing your daily life’s “Now” in some way.  She offers two types of Soul Readings at this time: Seed of Life Soul Readings and Flower of Life Soul Readings, which offer two different ways to access her gifts and her services now.  Additionally for those that choose to get a Soul Reading, she offers packages of ongoing vibrational support to help guide the integration work you all are doing at this time on the planet.  

So tune in to your Chakra Centers, tune into your Conscious Breath, and tune into your Heart Center.  Listen for what your Heart guides you to do or be at this time. Listen for what is needing healing at this time. Listen for what is seeking to be let go. Engage your chakras for they are your spiritual allies, tuning forks, and healing vortexes to help you through these times of immense change on your world.  They are filled with Divine Light and Love at the Core, and they are ready to bestow that Love and Light in your Conscious Awareness as you becoming willing to become more conscious of them and the gifts they have to offer you.  

You are loved dear ones.
You Are Love.
All Our Love. 

4 Responses to “Soul Skill #3: Chakras as Allies in these Shifts

  • Joanna
    5 years ago

    Thank you very much for this article, which has come at exactly the right time for me! This has to be the most beautiful description of the chakras that I have ever come across! I absolutely loved the way these are described as “soul skills” and I certainly intend to take a much closer look at the offerings on your website as a result of reading these most recent articles. I appear to have a particular leaning towards Arcturian information for some reason (probably not a coincidence). So thank you Marie and the Arcturian Collective, with much love and appreciation.

    • Thank you Joanna 🙏✨I very much appreciate your feedback about how this particular transmission resonates with you. It really touched me as well, and spoke to the chakras’ gifts for all of us ~ in a different way than I had ever conceptualized before. I’m so glad the transmission found you, and I’m glad that you found me! 😉Sending you love and blessings, and wishes for a wonderful light-showered week ahead! ❤️

  • rikie glatzhofer
    5 years ago

    You are so goooooood!

    • Hi Rikie! Thank you 🙏 I’m so glad the transmissions resonate and raise you up! Blessings and light to you! ❤️